Honestly, if I found $100, my sinful, human, natural instinct would be to just takes the money and run, although if I did, I would feel really guilty, and somebody might be looking for the money, and I (if I hadn’t’ve already spent the money) would have to hide or spend the wad of cash real quick. And pretty soon, that person would be convinced that the money’s probably somewhere in their house. Yeah, you could buy something pretty decent with $100, but as I said earlier, you would feel real guilty.
Debate #1
Yes, I think us kids should get paid to go to school because:
1. Adults need to do everything they can to keep kids in school.
2. Us kids like money. Oh I’m sorry, we love money.
3. I think that the state should also pay us for our good grades
And that’s what I think.
Things Not To Put Online
Longest Word Ever
Today my mom and I went to dictionary.com to look up a word and there was a fact that the website had for the viewers. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is ”Longest word in the world”. If you want to find out how to say this word click here
I’m motivated. Are you?
My Dad found this really hillarious video. ENJOY!!!
Best Day

My family and I went to Sea World a few summers ago, and we went on crazy rides like Journey to Atlantis(a water ride). But, best of all was seeing Shamu the Killer Whale!
Shamu was in a huge tank filled with water. He swam in circles like he was nervous for his show. Than, all of a sudden, Splash! He had turned around and slapped hi big, black tail on the water spraying my parents and me with tons of water. We were in the Splash Zone! “Wha-hooo!!” I yelled excitedly. The water felt kind of cold though.
While we were being entertained by Shamu’s amazing tricks, acrobats swung from high above and did eye-popping stunts, and one even jumped into the vast, water-filled tank. Splash! The diver then looked up because other divers were shooting through the air toward the crystal clear water.
After all the thrills and tricks were done, a lady in a wet suit stepped onto a platform in the water, and she brought a bucket full of smelly, dead fish.
She then leaned down and tapped her hand on a sloped part of the platform, and Shamu laid his head on it! The lady reached into the bucket, pulled out a fish, and threw it to Shamu. He swallowed it in one bite!
After the lady had shared a few interesting facts about Orca whales with the crowd and us, we headed out of the arena to dry ourselves out in the sun. It had been a long and exciting day, but I was exhausted.
Sitting in the sun, I remembered how fun the day had been. And I couldn’t wait to do it again.
My Snow Day
“Aaaaaaahhhhhh!!!” I was on a snow-tube, going full speed, being pulled behind a four-wheeler. Oh, and by the way, I was about to hit a fully-grown tree.
Flashback: only an hour before– ”Can we use your four-wheeler?” I asked my grandma hopefully.
At the last second: Fwoosh! My dad pulled me away from death.
We did that again a few more times, but then my mom got on the snow-tube with me.
Fwap fwap fwap fwap! CRACK! We got lodged in our fir trees. But instead of helping us out of the trees, my dad just got out, looked at us, and got back in the four-wheeler, and towed us out that way.
Pretty soon, the tube got a hole in it. After that horror ride, I had just a few scratches, but it was fun.
Bug Eating

I was camping in DeGray State Park, and there was an activity where you eat bugs to experience nature, you don’t have to, but you can. Well, I decided to go, so my mom, my dad and me, jumped in the truck and left to go eat bugs…
A little while later, we arrived at the location of the ”contest” and I ran (we got there a little late) to go sit down. First the interpreter passed out larvae and I grabbed one (cheddar cheese flavored). Then he passed out crickets and my parents grabbed one each for themselves (bacon and cheese flavored). Then he announced, ”Bug Eaters, on your mark, get set…” The following video will address the horror that unfolded for bug eating….
Robo Squirrels
(In the suburbs) ”ZOOM!” ”Whoops! My underpants fell out of my pants again,” said Speedy Gonzalez zooming nearby. ”Dude,” said Rocket, blasting a tazer dart shaped like a demon’s head towards a robo squirrel from his hands in the moonlight. ”Don’t you have your flex-o-grabit undies on?” ”No and yes. All because Mixer mixed regular underwear and flex-o-what’s it together!” ”Boom!” went robo squirrels everywhere. You see robo squirrels are evil, I mean evil, and they aren’t too smart. But they couldn’t plan their attack better than on scary Halloween night. ”Boom, bang, pow kabang!!” Went squirrels everywhere. ”Yeah!” yelled Mixer, Rocket, and Speedy Gonzalez. They had combined their powers together and blew up all of the robo squirrels. Then out of nowhere (which was really behind them) came a very scary scream. (theme music: “Du du duuuuu!”) It was really the robo king of the squirrels, (half blown up) and he said, “I will return,” and he disappeared into the dark mist.
Doctor’s Visit of Death
I was going to have to get some spots taken off. It took an hour to get in get in, but finally I did. My dad was the only family member there with me. The doctor got out a freeze ”gun”. Then he started to zap my spots with 600 some odd number degrees below zero. At first it felt kind of good, but then ”Grayeldaga!” I bellowed and grunted. By then I was squeezing my arm really hard. Words can’t express the growing agony. And my face was unexplainable . Finally, he stopped. Of course it still hurt worse than a toothache. He was done, or so I thought. He moved his weapon close to my skin, I pushed it away saying ”Wait we’re not done?” ”Almost,” he said mockingly.
Author’s note:
This story was not near as predictable as a Hallmark movie.
Image may be found at laughingsquid.com